Objectivism vs. Constructivism

Objectivism is knowledge that is being taught to someone with a goal of being stored in ones memory. As in a classroom, it is directed instruction that a teacher has to teach their students through teacher-organized activities.


Constructivism is a way that students learn by doing it themselves. They are constructing their knowledge by being hands on in activities and experience to further their learning, inquiry-based learning. Students learn from their self, rather than a teacher.


It was hard to pick a side between objectivism and constructivism because I think they are somewhat equal in importance. I do think that constructivism is a better way to learn. Students are doing things first hand to construct their learning. A teacher is always important in the way that their students learn from them, but I think that most students have a better chance of remembering certain things by experimenting with it. For example, if a student is taking a test, they will have an easier time remembering something that they did rather than something that was told to them. when I have my own classroom, I want my students to be as handsome on as possible. It is the better way of students learning.  Every team her wants their students to succeed, a way of success is constructivism learning.

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