Is PowerPoint Really Evil?

Many people might say PowerPoint is not a way to go about teaching/learning, however I disagree.  I believe that PowerPoint is a teachers best friend, it helps get the job done. From all of the past years I was in school, PowerPoint was used on a daily basis. It is a great visual aid while teaching. For students, it has to be one of the easiest ways to take notes, since all of the main points are listed. PowerPoint is also a tool that is used to help give a speech. While giving a speech, some speakers may get off topic and ramble, having a PowerPoint can keep you on topic. According to the University of Central Florida, there are advantages to PowerPoint such as it engages in multiple learning styles for students, it increases visual impact, it keeps the audience focused, and it also provides annotations and highlights. There are many great reasons why PowerPoint is not evil, it helps out the classroom more than you think.


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