Does Social Media Promote Cyberbullying?

Have you ever been bullied by someone on social media, such as Facebook? Personally, I have not been bullied through any social media, nor have I ever cyber bullied anyone else. I do not think social media causes cyber bullying. Social media is a way for friends and family to interact with one another online. You can post things on your own and other people’s profile. If someone is cyber bullying someone online, then it is 100% the bully’s fault. Your computer does not magically type for you, someone has to type it. The bully is choosing to write something mean about someone else knowing it will hurt their feelings. If someone is cyber bullying someone, they will most likely do it in person too because that is their personality. When I see cyber bullying happening, I tend to steer clear from it because I don’t want to get involved. That is the type of person I am. Seeing someone cyber bully someone on Facebook is not going to promote me to start bullying, it is based on the person.


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