Do Classrooms Need Interactive Whiteboards?

An interactive whiteboard is a more technology based whiteboard that teachers interact with special markers and even their hands. Do I think everyone needs one in their classroom? Absolutely not. They may seem easier to use in a class, but I don’t think it is any different than using an overhead projector and a computer in the classroom. No one needs interactive whiteboards. Teachers might think it’s an easy way to teach their students, but they still have to form a lesson plan and to keep the students engaged in learning, rather than being distracted. Interactive Whiteboards can get pretty expensive, especially for a low income school. These schools can use this money to buy books, instead of basically buying what they already have. While I was in school, most of my classes had interactive whiteboards and they were rarely used. They were fun to use the first month, but then they basically faded out. Teachers would use them for just projecting something on the screen, which an overhead projector can do the exact same thing. I just don’t see the need for interactive whiteboards.


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